
Vet gives puppy death sentence, reaches for needle – then boss takes look at her paws and shouts out

It’s a heartbreaking experience for anyone who has ever had to put their dog to sleep. But sometimes there’s just no other option. It’s the most considerate thing to do when the suffering has continued for too long.
I hope you never go through it yourself, but if you do, it’s crucial that you stick by your best friend through everything. No dog should have to live out its last days in fear, surrounded by strangers.
In this particular tale, Starfish, the puppy, was discovered in a box with her legs bent at an odd angle.
It was assumed that she would need to be put to sleep after the person who found her hurried her to a veterinarian. There was nothing that could be done for her because she had been crushed.
The dog was just too severely damaged, but the veterinarian was reluctant to put her down. Keeping her alive wasn’t fair.
However, the head of the shelter entered the room and stopped the euthanasia of Starfish just seconds before it was scheduled to happen.
She wanted a second opinion on Starfish, according to The Dodo.
So they took the dog to a different veterinarian. A more optimistic prognosis was issued following a comprehensive examination.
“Swimmer Puppy Syndrome” was a disability that starfish had simply been born with. However, she could be fully cured with the correct assistance.
Starfish seemed more suited to swimming than to walking like a typical puppy.
But there was something truly endearing about her. Before long, a family expressed interest in adopting her.
The little dog captured our hearts. Owner Leigh Anne Gray says, “She taught us something we’d never seen before.”
“I instantly became attached when I saw Starfish.
She couldn’t be picked up like a typical puppy. She was flat as a pancake and you had to hold her sideways. However, I simply grabbed her and held on to her.
The whole family supported Starfish on her path to normalcy from the beginning.
Leigh Anne remarked, “We just needed to get her feet up underneath her.”
“And she would follow us anywhere as soon as we got her on the grass because she had something small to hold onto.”
However, Leigh Anne and her family weren’t the only ones who wanted Starfish to be successful. Even the animal shelter employees provided assistance.
She is unaware of any issues she may have. She simply gets up and repeats the action. and gets better every day, even if only slightly.
Starfish was able to stand up on her own after only two months. Before long, she ran like any other puppy.
The brave dog’s recovery was a source of pride and happiness for the family.
For me, that tenacity and enthusiasm for life were lacking. And I consider myself fortunate that she found us.
From being on the verge of death, Starfish transformed into a happy, healthy dog with a promising future!
We challenge you to watch the video below without crying.

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