Fаns Sаy Mаrlо Тhоmаs ‘Dеstrоyеd’ Неr Веаuty with Surgеry: Ноw Shе Wоuld Lооk Тоdаy Nаturаlly

Thomas’s Reaction to What People Think

Even with the criticism, Marlo Thomas is unmoved. She related a story about how she uploaded a photo of her husband Phil Donahue with their granddaughter and got comments implying that he had plastic surgery, even though he hasn’t. Thomas brushed these remarks aside, claiming that being well-groomed does not always imply having had surgery. She says, “But even if you did want to—go ahead!” in support of the notion that people should feel free to undergo plastic surgery if they so want.
Cher’s Impact and Personal Independence

Marlo Thomas likе the way singer Cher responds to criticism over her own cosmetic procedures. Cher reportedly asserted that she could place her nose on her butt if she so desired, emphasizing the value of having personal control over one’s physical appearance. Thomas agrees, stating that she is unconcerned with the decisions that other people make about their bodies.