
Еntitlеd Ноmеоwnеrs Rеfusеd tо Раy My Рlumbеr Dаd – Тhеy Тhоught Тhеy Wеrе thе Smаrtеst, but Не Наd thе Lаst Lаugh

Dad’s grin widened. “That’s when the real fun began.”

“Picture this,” Dad said, gesturing with his cigar. “The Pinchpennies are sitting pretty, thinking they’ve pulled a fast one on old Pete. Then one day, Mrs. Carlyle goes to take a shower, and what does she see?”

I shrugged, totally engrossed in the story.

“Ants!” Dad exclaimed. “Dozens of ’em, marching along the grout lines likе it’s their own personal highway!”

I couldn’t help but laugh. “No way!”

“Oh, it gets better,” Dad continued. “Next day, it’s cockroaches. Then every creepy-crawly within spittin’ distance shows up for the party.”

I shook my head in disbelief. “That’s crazy! But how do you know all this?”

Dad winked. “Remember Johnny? My old pal? He’s their next-door neighbor and has been keeping me updated.”

“And the Carlyles?” I asked. “What did they do?”

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