My hеаd drорреd whеn my dаughtеr rеvеаlеd whаt shе sаw!. Rеаd full stоry in соmmеnt,.,/,/ – Kennzo World

My hеаd drорреd whеn my dаughtеr rеvеаlеd whаt shе sаw!. Rеаd full stоry in соmmеnt,.,/,/

When Dani and Nathan met while still at high-school, they both felt they were meant for each other. After a couple of years, they tied the knot and looked forward to a happy life together. However, just two years into their marriage, Nathan changed.

Dani was unaware if that change had to do anything with the two welcoming a baby girl into their lives. At the end of the day, Nathan was a great dad, so that was probably not the reason why he criticized Dani so much.

He started disliking her appearance and told her to take more care of the way she looked. “You’ve just let yourself go, Dani,” he said. “Always in those frumpy clothes. Do you think that you’ll keep the spark alive likе that?”


He also accused her of not being the best mother although she worked from home and spent a lot of time with little Ellie.

“You’re always behind that computer screen. Do you even give Ellie enough attention? It doesn’t seem likе it. She’s always alone when I come home from work.”

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