Тhis suреrmоdеl’s bеаutiful fасе grасеd аll thе mаgаzinе соvеrs. Сhесk hеr оut аt 53 yеаrs оld

Beyond Modeling: Acting and Business Ventures
In addition to her modeling career, Claudia Schiffer ventured into acting, appearing in films likе “Richie Rich” (1994) and “Zoolander” (2001). While her acting career did not reach the same heights as her modeling, it showcased her versatility and ability to take on new challenges.
Claudia also proved to be a savvy businesswoman. She launched her own line of clothing, eyewear, and fragrances, further cementing her status as a global brand. Her business ventures have been successful, allowing her to maintain her relevance and influence in the fashion industry long after her peak modeling years.