Тhis fаmоus сеlеbrity wаs nоt trеаtеd wеll by hеr mоthеr аs а сhild. Тоdаy shе is а suреrstаr

The Impact of Addiction and Domestic Violence
Demi Moore’s childhood was further darkened by the destructive behavior of her parents. Both her mother and stepfather struggled with alcoholism, which led to a home environment filled with chaos, neglect, and abuse. Moore has recounted witnessing vioIent arguments and physical abuse between her parents, which left deep emotional scars.
At a young age, Demi was handed over by her alcoholic mother to a much older man for money, a trаumаtic experience that would cast a shadow over her later life.

The lack of a nurturing and supportive environment took a toll on Moore’s self-esteem and sense of security. Her mother’s struggles with addiction were particularly damaging. Moore has spoken about how her mother’s erratic behavior and inability to provide stability or comfort deeply affected her ability to trust and form healthy relationships.