Тhis Girl Wаs Тrаdеd tо аn Оldеr Mаn fоr Mоnеy аs а Сhild — Nоw Shе’s а Fаmоus Асtrеss whо Mаnаgеd tо Rесоnсilе with Неr 3 Dаughtеrs

Scout said she was proud of the actress for the internal work she finally did after being in survival mode for so long. The star’s daughter thought her memoir showed how comfortable and safe Demi is with herself.
However, the book did touch on some uncomfortable memories for all three siblings, who’ve also struggled with their own body-image issues and substance abuse. Scout confessed that the book challenged them due to their mother making an effort to expose the most vulnerable parts of her life, that happened to coincide with her daughter’s most trаumаtic ones.
Rumer got to learn about their mother’s history from the book in more detail. She felt children grew up imagining that their parents are gods but as they became older, that’s when it dawned on them that they are just ordinary people.
Today, Demi is closer to her children than ever. Their closeness led them to quarantine together during the coronavirus pandemic. The family’s bond extended to Bruce and his wife and children. In a February 2023 statement, they revealed how united they are as a blended family as they fought alongside Bruce against his 2022 aphasia diagnosis.
If you or someone you know is considering suicide, please contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255), text “help” to the Crisis Text Line at 741-741, or go to suicidepreventionlifeline.org.