
Dоn’t Тоuсh Тhеsе If Yоu Sее Тhеm оn Yоur Рlаnts

You always know where to find me, right? within my yard. I’m a huge gardener. Seeing your hard work come to fruition and witnessing the growth of plants is a deeply satisfying experience. However, let’s face it—it can be very difficult. Taking care of bugs is one of the main obstacles. Sometimes you’re not even sure which pests are good for you and which ones would ruin all of your hard-earned possessions.

I just saw a picture floating around social media that encapsulates this uncertainty. It scared me when I first saw it. The image displayed a leaf covered in extremely little, very detailed black geometric patterns. Initially, it appeared as though the leaf was encased in an extraterrestrial lattice or perhaps some strange illness. Like myself, a lot of others were curious as to what it might be.

I looked into it and found that these odd patterns are actually the eggs of Nymphalis Antiopa butterflies. Allow me to introduce you to this species if you are unfamiliar with it. The Mourning Cloak butterfly, Nymphalis Antiopa, is an intriguing insect with an unusual life cycle and some intriguing characteristics.

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