Тhе Ridеs

What did you think this page meant? Were you just curious?
You’re sick, and you are very welcome here.
Now that you’ve likеly checked out SYNOPSIS (that means about)….
Wait, wait wait. If you haven’t checked that part out, it’s best you take a sprint or possibly a gallop over there to read the warning labels and side effects. I don’t want to be responsible for allergic reactions or drug interactions.
No wait, I want to be responsible for that last part.
Now fly, my pretties, and catch up!
If you’re still here you’ve already read that part and now we can talk shit about the others who are behind….Did you see what he was wearing?
Oh hi!
Glad to have you back! If you made it back here, I expect everything is copacetic, and that if you don’t know what that means, you have a dictionary nearby to look that word up, as I suggested to you in the synopsis… which means “about”.
Over there, all of the main menu items are described to you in detail, so you know where to find recipes (savories), and you know where to find photos (snapshots), etc. etc. This is old news.
What this page is, is the sub-menu at the top of the left column, and I’d likе to take a quick minute to describe these to you so that I can stop writing about them every time I post something new over there. So actually, it would appear this post is actually all for me. Me, me, me.