
Неfnеr’s Mаnsiоn Fасts аnd Sесrеts

In 1971, for just over $1 million, Hugh Hefner made an investment and fulfilled the dreams of countless young men around the world. From Kendra Wilkinson and Holly Madison’s confessions to secret tunnels and booby traps, read these interesting facts about the mansion…

The “Bunny Mother” Was an Important Role

Hugh Hefner was the “daddy” of the home. But there was also a matriarch who made sure that the girls stayed in check and followed the rules that were implemented. The role of the “Bunny Mother” was given and has been described as being “similar to that of a college advisor.”

American publisher Hugh Hefner arrives at London Airport from Chicago with an entourage of Playboy Bunnies, 26th June 1966. He is in the capital for the opening of the London Playboy Club on Park Lane. (Photo by Ted West/Central Press/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Ted West/GettyImages

The rule book stated, “Bunnies must allow enough time before going to their assigned rooms to report to the Bunny Mother for appearance inspection. In addition to making sure that the girls upheld a standard, the Bunny Mother was also in charge of firing, hiring, and training the blonde women.

A Very Unique Fourth of July Celebration

For the average American family, the Fourth of July is a time spent with family, enjoying the sunshine by the pool, and sharing beers over a barbeque. But the Playboy Mansion had a very different way of commemorating Independence Day by shooting fireworks into the sky.

SOLVANG, CA - JULY 4: This small Danish community on California
George Rose/GettyImages

If this nugget of information leaves you a little bit confused, not to worry. You’re right in assuming that private homes are not allowed to release fireworks in Los Angeles. But the Playboy Mansion managed to wrangle a permit, making it the only private home in the City of Angels enjoying an explosive celebration.

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