15 Stories That Prove You Can’t Get Away From Impudent People

These stories provide a window into how some individuals navigate situations where entitlement, manipulation, or boundary-crossing behavior is at play. In each case, the protagonists either stand up for themselves or deal with others’ quirks and demands in creative, often surprising ways.
From the taxi driver who expected a hefty tip despite his constant complaints to the friend who demanded discounts on a car, it’s clear that some people seem to think they are entitled to more than what is reasonable. Whether it’s a family member treating a wedding as a moment to control their bridesmaids’ outfits or a classmate stealing someone else’s presentation idea, these stories show how selfishness and expectations can often clash with fairness and personal boundaries.
What’s even more impressive is how many of the narrators respond—whether by calling out the behavior, taking action to protect their interests, or simply withdrawing from toxic situations. The grandmother refusing to cook after being woken up, the woman who altered her bridesmaid dress to fit her comfort, or the neighbor learning a lesson about cleaning only her space—each instance exemplifies how standing firm and asserting personal boundaries can lead to powerful results, even when others don’t immediately appreciate it.
Ultimately, these stories are reminders that while people may push limits, it’s up to us to decide how much we’re willing to tolerate. Some battles aren’t worth fighting, but others—like standing up for our dignity and time—absolutely are.