My Раrеnts Рriоritizеd My Вrоthеr оvеr Mе аnd Wеnt tо Нis Gаmе Instеаd оf My Wеdding – My Rеlаtivеs Mаdе Тhеm Rеgrеt

This seemed to be the breaking point for my dad. He was so distraught over missing my wedding and my grandpa’s disapproval that he rebelled against my mom and thrеаtened divorce unless she made things right with me.

A middle-aged couple arguing | Source: Midjourney
I read my mom’s texts, which started with insults and thrеаts, but they quickly turned pitiful and full of begging.
“You ungrateful child! After everything we’ve done for you, this is how you repay us?”
“If you don’t apologize and fix this, you’ll regret it. Don’t think we won’t cut you off completely, Emily.”
Then her tone shifted: “Please, Emily, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize how much we were hurting you. We need to make this right.”

A woman looking at her phone | Source: Pexels
When we settled down at home, Lucas and I sat down to discuss our next steps.
“You need to do what feels right for you, not what everyone else wants,” Lucas said, holding my hand.
I sighed, feeling overwhelmed. “But what does that even mean? Everyone has their own opinion on what I should do.”