My Раrеnts Рriоritizеd My Вrоthеr оvеr Mе аnd Wеnt tо Нis Gаmе Instеаd оf My Wеdding – My Rеlаtivеs Mаdе Тhеm Rеgrеt

Lucas and I left for our honeymoon, deciding to go phone-free for this period. When we got back, we were ready to start living happily and peacefully in our home. However, as soon as I turned my phone on again, I was bombarded with notifications. Most of them were from my mom and Mike.

A couple on honeymoon | Source: Pexels
Mike’s texts were filled with vitriol. One read, “You are so selfish! How could you get married without us? You ruined everything!” Another of his messages noted, “Why are you using our relatives to destroy our parents’ names and mine online? So, what if we didn’t come to your wedding? That does not mean you have to announce it to the whole world. Get over yourself!”
After making a few calls, I understood why my brother and parents were all riled up. Apparently, one of my paternal aunts had posted photos of the wedding on Facebook with a caption that was a clear dig at my parents: “So sad some people can’t prioritize their child’s happiness. Wait, they can. They just chose to obsess over one child and neglect another.”

A woman scrolling on her phone | Source: Pexels
The post went viral within our community, and my parents faced public shaming for their mistreatment of me. My grandpa, in his own righteous fury, had visited my parents and berated my father to the point of tears.