Тhis Girl Wаs Тrаdеd tо аn Оldеr Mаn fоr Mоnеy аs а Сhild — Nоw Shе’s а Fаmоus Асtrеss whо Mаnаgеd tо Rесоnсilе with Неr 3 Dаughtеrs

Taking care of her mother was challenging, seeing as she depended on alcohol at the time. Two years after Demi’s stepfather’s separation from her mother, he committed suicide at 37. His suicide only worsened Virginia’s alcoholism.
In 1990, Demi broke off contact with her mother after she walked away from a rehabilitation stay that she had paid for. However, the actress reconciled with Virginia before she died of cancer in 1998.
Just as the star had a strained relationship with her own mother, her daughter, Tallulah, also had a difficult one with her. Tallulah and Demi’s rocky relationship began when the actress was married to Ashton.
There was a painful lack of communication between the mother-daughter pair. The actress had been dealing with addiction and was dependent on Ashton, leaving Tallulah feeling аbаndоned.
Rumer and Scout having moved out worsened Tallulah’s feeling of аbаndоnment. She felt forgotten and believed that the actress didn’t love her anymore. In a 2020 Instagram post for Mother’s Day, Tallulah confessed that she had not spoken to Demi for nearly three years, and Mother’s Day made it more heartbreaking for her.
However, after Tallulah had “a metamorphosis of inward self-reflection,” her willingness to forgive allowed their estrangement to end. She and her famous mother reconciled and now Demi’s presence in her life is significant.
She often wondered what type of connection she and a 26-year-old Demi would have had if they met then. Tallulah figured they would’ve shаrеd lots of laughter but now she “revel[ed] in all that” her mother is and continues to teach her, adding:
“I witness what this day means for you, and where you came from.”
She lovingly concluded her post noting how every crevice in her mother was gilded and worthy, before sharing how she loved the star “eternally.” Demi allowed her children to review the manuscript of her book and request changes, but none of them had any revisions.