Nеighbоrs Kерt Тhеir Distаnсе аftеr I Mоvеd In, until I Fоund Оut thе Shосking Rеаsоn

gate, his usual charming smile on his face. He was dressed in tight jeans and a white T-shirt that showed off his muscles.I tried to smile back, though it felt forced. “Hi, Jacob. I was starting to think no one would come.” He walked over, taking the tray from my hands. “I’m sorry about that. There’s something you need to know.” We sat down at the table, and Jacob looked into my eyes. “You see, the house you moved into has a bit of a reputation. The last woman who lived here had nothing but bad luck. Strange things kept happening, and then one day, she just disappeared. No one knows what happened to her.” I felt a chill run down my spine. “That’s why everyone is avoiding me? Because of some old rumors?” Jacob nodded. “People here are superstitious. Jules, especially is. She’s convinced there’s something wrong with this place. But I don’t believe in any of that. I’d be happy to have dinner with you.”I smiled, feeling a bit of relief. “Thank you, Jacob. I appreciate it.” During the dinner, Jacob asked about my life, and I told him about my move and my hopes for a fresh start. He listened intently, offering kind words and compliments. Before leaving, Jacob leaned in and whispered, “Just be careful around Mrs. Jules. She can be a bit off due to her superstitions.” I nodded, grateful for the company and the warning. There was more to this neighborhood than I had realized, and I was determined to uncover the truth. The next day, after dinner with Jacob, I couldn’t shake off the unsettling feeling his words had left me with. “I need to find out what’s happening,” I said to myself as I tiptoed around the house, my mind racing with thoughts. I decided to explore the attic. Maybe something there will give me answers. I climbed up the creaky stairs. The attic was dusty and filled with old furniture, boxes, and cobwebs. As I rummaged through the clutter, I spotted an old, leather-bound diary. Sitting down on a dusty trunk, I opened the diary. It belonged to the previous resident, and as I read, a chill ran down my spine. The woman had written about strange things happening around the house as soon as she moved in. “Just likе what’s happening to me,” I whispered, feeling a connection to the previous tenant. “This can’t be a coincidence.” Determined to find out more, I started paying closer attention to my surroundings. I also noticed strange occurrences. Every night, I heard eerie noises that seemed to echo through the neighborhood. And every morning, the flowers in my garden were cut down. Moreover, a black cat appeared at my doorstep daily. I eventually decided to keep the cat. “At least you’re friendly,” I said, scratching behind its ears. I named him Snowball, despite his jet-black fur. Snowball quickly became my companion, and his presence …