
Nеw Nоstrаdаmus Mаkеs Теrrifying Рrеdiсtiоn

A prominent Indian astrologer, Kushal Kumar, who is often referred to as the “new Nostradamus,” has raised concerns by predicting that World War III could begin in just a few days. According to Kumar, there are strong planetary alignments on June 18, 2024, which he believes could trigger a global conflict.

Astrologer Kushal Kumar predicts World War III

Despite skepticism arising from his earlier incorrect prediction, Kumar urges everyone to observe the global war scenario as the days pass by. His prediction has caused quite a stir, and many are anxiously waiting to see if his forecast holds any truth.

It is important to note that astrology predictions are based on interpretations and belief systems and should not be taken as absolute truths. However, given the history of conflicts and geopolitical tensions worldwide, it is undeniable that the possibility of a future global conflict is a concern for many. Let us hope for peace and diplomacy to prevail over any impending conflicts.

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