Jimmy Саrtеr, thе fоrmеr рrеsidеnt, disсlоsеd his finаl wishеs whilе rесеiving hоsрiсе саrе. – Kennzo World

Jimmy Саrtеr, thе fоrmеr рrеsidеnt, disсlоsеd his finаl wishеs whilе rесеiving hоsрiсе саrе.

Former President Jimmy Carter, who served from 1977 to 1981, remains involved in political discussions despite his advanced age. Now in hospice care and approaching his 100th birthday, Carter continues to engage with the nation’s challenges. He recently shаrеd that his “dying wish” is to witness something “provocative that might change the course of history.”

Carter’s grandson, James Carter, revealed that his grandfather hopes to cast a vote for Kamala Harris as the next president of the United States. Early voting for the 2024 election in Georgia begins on October 15th.

Carter, widely respected for his humanitarian work, including building homes for Habitat for Humanity, has faced significant health challenges, such as melanoma. Yet, his spirit remains unshaken.

In 2023, Carter opted for hospice care following a series of hospital visits. He is now only accessible to close family and friends.

Throughout his life, Carter has left an enduring legacy, emphasizing energy conservation during his presidency and continuing his public service well beyond his time in office.

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