My Fаthеr Wеnt Fishing with Нis Friеnds аnd Fоrgоt My 18th Вirthdаy – Kennzo World

My Fаthеr Wеnt Fishing with Нis Friеnds аnd Fоrgоt My 18th Вirthdаy

Ryder’s 18th birthday should have been a joyful milestone, but the absence of his father cast a shadow over the celebration. The realization that his dad chose a fishing trip with friends over spending time with him only deepened the disappointment. However, what unfolded next led Ryder to a new understanding.

I’m Ryder, and I recently turned 18. Before I delve into the story of my birthday, let me give you a glimpse into my life. Things were pretty ordinary until I turned seven. That’s when the arguments between my mom and dad began. At the time, I didn’t fully grasp what was happening, but I could feel the tension in the air. By the time I was eight, my dad was gone. I vividly remember the day my mom sat me down and gently explained, “Ryder, sweetie, your father won’t be living with us anymore. But you can still see him whenever you want, okay?” My heart skipped a beat.

“But why, Mom? Did I do something wrong?” Mom’s eyes welled up with tears, but she smiled gently. “Oh, no, honey. You didn’t do anything wrong. This isn’t your fault at all.”

“Then why is Dad leaving?” I asked, desperate for answers.

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