Sоmеоnе Giftеd Mе $7,340 аnd а Nоtе tо Run аwаy аs а Wеdding Gift – Whеn I Fоund Оut Whо, I Did аs Тоld – Page 3 – Kennzo World

Sоmеоnе Giftеd Mе $7,340 аnd а Nоtе tо Run аwаy аs а Wеdding Gift – Whеn I Fоund Оut Whо, I Did аs Тоld

“What’s on your mind?” she asked, her tone neutral.

I took a deep breath and pulled the note from my pocket. “Did you send this?” I asked, holding it out to her.

Sarah confronting Evelyn with the mysterious note | Source: Midjourney

Sarah confronting Evelyn with the mysterious note | Source: Midjourney

Evelyn’s expression didn’t change, but there was a flicker of something in her eyes; surprise, perhaps? She took the note, read it, and then looked back at me. “Yes,” she said simply.

The word hit me likе a punch to the gut. “Why?” I demanded, my voice trembling with anger and confusion.

My MIL sighed, folding the note before handing it back to me. “It was a test,” she admitted. “I’ve always been protective of Dan. He’s my only son, and I wanted to make sure you were marrying him for the right reasons.”

Sarah confronting Evelyn about the note | Source: Midjourney

Sarah confronting Evelyn about the note | Source: Midjourney

I stared at her, stunned. “A test?” I repeated, hardly believing what I was hearing.

Evelyn nodded, her expression softening. “The money was meant to see if you would hesitate or be tempted to leave him at the last moment. I needed to know that you were certain about this marriage.”

I couldn’t believe it! On the happiest day of my life, my own MIL tried to BRIBE me to leave her son! I felt a wave of anger and betrayal wash over me. “How could you do that?!” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

Sarah upset over what Evelyn did | Source: Midjourney

Sarah upset over what Evelyn did | Source: Midjourney

“I’ve seen too many marriages fall apart because one person had doubts they never voiced,” she said quietly. “I didn’t want that for Dan or you.”

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