My Раrеnts Рriоritizеd My Вrоthеr оvеr Mе аnd Wеnt tо Нis Gаmе Instеаd оf My Wеdding – My Rеlаtivеs Mаdе Тhеm Rеgrеt – Page 6 – Kennzo World

My Раrеnts Рriоritizеd My Вrоthеr оvеr Mе аnd Wеnt tо Нis Gаmе Instеаd оf My Wеdding – My Rеlаtivеs Mаdе Тhеm Rеgrеt

My mom started to speak, but my dad interrupted her. “I made a mistake,” Dad said, looking down at his hands. “I let your mom control too much, and I see now how much it has hurt you.”

“I’m sorry, I really am,” Mom added, her voice breaking. “I didn’t realize how much we neglected you.”

A sad woman with her hand on her forehead | Source: Freepik

A sad woman with her hand on her forehead | Source: Freepik

I couldn’t hold back anymore. “Didn’t realize? You missed my recitals, my graduations, and every significant moment in my life! And now my wedding? How could you be so blind?” I demanded, my eyes filling with tears.

My mom looked pained, but I couldn’t tell if it was guilt or frustration. “Emily, it was never our intention to hurt you. We thought Mike needed us more because he’s younger and—”

“And what?” I interrupted, my voice rising. “Because he’s the golden child? You spent my college fund on his car and house! Do you have any idea how that made me feel? Like I was worthless and likе I didn’t matter!”

A frustrated woman arguing | Source: Pexels

A frustrated woman arguing | Source: Pexels

Dad finally spoke up, his voice firm. “We were wrong, Emily. I was wrong. I should have stood up for you more. I see that now. But your mom—”

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