My Веst Friеnd’s Нusbаnd Нid Воttlеs frоm Неr – Нis Rеаsоn Shооk Mе tо My Fоundаtiоn – Page 4 – Kennzo World

My Веst Friеnd’s Нusbаnd Нid Воttlеs frоm Неr – Нis Rеаsоn Shооk Mе tо My Fоundаtiоn

Keith laughed.

“Sadie, if you’re worried about it, if you think that maybe you should speak to Lori. If anything happens, you’ll just blame yourself for knowing.”

Keith was right. I would blame myself if something was amiss — even if Ben hadn’t given me enough information.

A couple sitting and talking | Source: Pixabay

A couple sitting and talking | Source: Pixabay

I couldn’t keep it to myself.

The next morning, Lori and I took a walk, grabbing coffee on the way. As we strolled along, I told her everything Ben had said, or indicated.

“Are you sure?” she pressed. “Are you sure he said ‘bottles’?”

“Yes, but, listen, I’m just speculating. I wanted to tell you in case anything happened. I know how you feel about these things with your father around.”

Lori looked at me for a long moment.

“Ben has been secretive lately,” she agreed. “But it cannot be what you think it is!”

A person holding takeaway coffee | Source: Unsplash

A person holding takeaway coffee | Source: Unsplash

We walked back to our rental, talking about everything and nothing — specifically nothing about the bottles, and what we both thought they were.

Lori didn’t seem as phased as I thought she would be. But still, I felt relieved that I had told her what I knew. It was up to her to be prepared for anything that came her way.

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