Ноmеlеss Воy with Оnе Аrm Весоmеs Тоwn’s Mоst Suссеssful Вusinеssmаn– Stоry оf thе Dаy – Page 6 – Kennzo World

Ноmеlеss Воy with Оnе Аrm Весоmеs Тоwn’s Mоst Suссеssful Вusinеssmаn– Stоry оf thе Dаy

Adam’s breath caught. “Send her in,” he instructed.

Carissa entered, her smile as sweet as ever, though time had etched lines on her face. But Adam noticed the telltale signs of someone who had been through hard times—cheap makeup, imitation clothes. It was clear she hadn’t changed.

“Adam,” Carissa began, her voice dripping with faux warmth. “My boy! Look at you now!”

Adam remained impassive. “Why are you here?” he asked, cutting to the chase.

Carissa launched into a rehearsed story of hardship, carefully crafted to elicit sympathy and, no doubt, financial help. Adam listened silently, his jaw clenching.

When she finished, Adam stood. “I’m not the little boy you аbаndоned,” he stated firmly. “I’ve made something of myself, not because of you, but in spite of you. The only mother I acknowledge is the woman who chose me, loved me, and sacrificed for me.”

Carissa’s face froze. “But Adam, I’m your real mother,” she pressed. “Doesn’t that mean anything to you?”

“Me being your son didn’t mean anything to you,” he replied coldly. “Please, see yourself out.”

Without another word, Carissa left, her expression darkening as she did.

A few days later, Adam shаrеd the encounter with Mary over dinner. She could sense his emotions and reached across the table to squeeze his hand. “You’re the strongest person I know,” she said softly. “Being your parents was the greatest thing that ever happened to Josh and me.”

Despite being a successful adult, Adam needed to hear those words. He nodded, blinking back tears, and they continued their meal, shifting the conversation to happier topics.

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