Ноmеlеss Воy with Оnе Аrm Весоmеs Тоwn’s Mоst Suссеssful Вusinеssmаn– Stоry оf thе Dаy – Page 3 – Kennzo World

Ноmеlеss Воy with Оnе Аrm Весоmеs Тоwn’s Mоst Suссеssful Вusinеssmаn– Stоry оf thе Dаy

Mary nodded, tears welling up in her eyes. “We’d love to adopt you if that’s what you want. You’d be our son, in every way that matters.”

Tears filled Adam’s eyes as he asked, “But… what about my arm? Don’t you want a whole kid?”

Mary’s heart broke at the question. She knelt on the cold kitchen floor, looking him straight in the eye. “Adam, you are perfect just the way you are. Your arm doesn’t define you. It’s your heart and spirit that make you whole, and we love every bit of you.”

Josh joined her, echoing her sentiments. “We’ve been waiting for your mother to come back, but it seems she won’t. Child services has cleared us to start the process of becoming your legal guardians first, and then we can adopt you officially. Would you likе that?”

Adam didn’t need time to think. He threw his one arm around Mary and sobbed, “Yes, please. I want to be your son.”

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