Еntitlеd Ноmеоwnеrs Rеfusеd tо Раy My Рlumbеr Dаd – Тhеy Тhоught Тhеy Wеrе thе Smаrtеst, but Не Наd thе Lаst Lаugh – Page 8 – Kennzo World

Еntitlеd Ноmеоwnеrs Rеfusеd tо Раy My Рlumbеr Dаd – Тhеy Тhоught Тhеy Wеrе thе Smаrtеst, but Не Наd thе Lаst Lаugh

“Yeah, Pippi?”

“Promise me one thing?”

He raised an eyebrow. “What’s that?”

I grinned. “If I ever need my bathroom redone, I’m paying you in full upfront.”

Dad burst out laughing, pulling me into a big bear hug. “That’s my girl!”

As we sat there, laughing and watching the sunset, I couldn’t help but think about the Carlyles and their bug-infested bathroom. It was a reminder that sometimes, karma comes with six legs and a sweet tooth.

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