Еntitlеd Ноmеоwnеrs Rеfusеd tо Раy My Рlumbеr Dаd – Тhеy Тhоught Тhеy Wеrе thе Smаrtеst, but Не Наd thе Lаst Lаugh – Page 5 – Kennzo World

Еntitlеd Ноmеоwnеrs Rеfusеd tо Раy My Рlumbеr Dаd – Тhеy Тhоught Тhеy Wеrе thе Smаrtеst, but Не Наd thе Lаst Lаugh

“Look,” Dad said, leaning forward. “In this line of work, your reputation is everything. If word got out that I let clients walk all over me, I’d be out of business faster than you can say ‘leaky faucet.’”

I had to admit, he had a point. “So what happened next?”

Dad grinned. “Well, according to Johnny, they ended up redoing the whole bathroom about a year later.”

My eyes widened. “Did that solve the problem?”

Dad shook his head, chuckling. “Nope. The sugar residue was still there, lurking beneath the surface. The bugs just kept on coming back.”

“And the Carlyles?” I asked. “Did they ever figure it out?”

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