My hеаd drорреd whеn my dаughtеr rеvеаlеd whаt shе sаw!. Rеаd full stоry in соmmеnt,.,/,/ – Page 3 – Kennzo World

My hеаd drорреd whеn my dаughtеr rеvеаlеd whаt shе sаw!. Rеаd full stоry in соmmеnt,.,/,/

A chill ran through Dani. Miss Allen was Ellie’s teacher.

“Why would she become your mother?” she asked.

With tears rolling down her face, Ellie started sharing with her mother what she had heard the previous days, and as words started coming out of her mouth, she felt as the weight that rested on her shoulders was getting lighter and lighter.


“Yesterday, when Dad picked me from school, Miss Allen told me to wait by the door while she spoke to Dad. I didn’t hear everything, but I did hear her saying that she’ll be a better mom to me… Dad laughed when she said that.”

Nathan was having an affair.

That evening, after making sure that Ellie was asleep, Dani poured Nathan a drink.

“So,” she began. “Miss Allen seems really good with Ellie.”

“Really?” he asked, his eyes lighting up. “I knew Ellie likеd her…”

“Enough for Miss Allen to be her new mom?” Dani asked. “What’s going on, and don’t you dare lie to me.”


Nathan looked at the floor, ashamed to raise his head. But he confessed he was seeing his daughter’s teacher. They started the affair shortly after they met. But that wasn’t all. Back where they used to live, he was having an affair with another woman who suddenly started expecting more of him than being his mistress and that was why he decided to change jobs and move places.

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