Sir Еltоn Jоhn, 76, rаisеs his twо sоns nоt tо bе sроilеd аs thеy аlrеаdy dо сhоrеs fоr sоmе росkеt mоnеy – Page 2 – Kennzo World

Sir Еltоn Jоhn, 76, rаisеs his twо sоns nоt tо bе sроilеd аs thеy аlrеаdy dо сhоrеs fоr sоmе росkеt mоnеy

The singer confessed that he and Furnish spent a lot of money before they had kids because they were accustomed to a life where they were at the center. But since the arrival of their sons, John said they have significantly reduced their spending.

Now, the couple is focused on making sure they only have what they need. The two have also been teaching their children the value of money and the work needed to earn it.

John is aware that his children already live a comfortable life, but he would love for them to still have humility. Therefore, the singer has said that he does not plan on leaving them his entire estate. Instead, he wants to balance giving his children a good life and keeping them grounded. He reasoned:

​​”Of course, I want to leave my boys in a very sound financial state. But it’s terrible to give kids a silver spoon. It ruins their life.”

From when the boys were toddlers, John has tried to teach them the value of money. At five and three years old, Zachary and Elijah might not have understood how famous their parents were, but one thing John and Furnish did was teach them about spending and saving money.

The singer said back in 2016 that they would get £3 ($ 3.74) pocket money from working in the kitchen or garden. Then, each coin would be allocated to charity, savings, and spending. Their chores added up to cleaning up their rooms as they got older, and they got a star for every chore they accomplished.

The couple also understands that their kids will not have a regular childhood, but they still try to maintain a bit of normalcy in their lives. John revealed that his kids live likе locals who are “not stuck behind the gates of a mansion.”

When asked if he feared raising his children in the spotlight, he says he is aware of the downsides but he thinks the public is “brilliant” and “not hostile,” especially when asking for photographs with his family, so he doesn’t mind at all.

The singer and his husband want their children to enjoy family time outside of their mansion, so they would go out for pizza or catch a movie.

John does not want to miss out on moments with his children because of his fame. Another thing the singer is quick to do is pick up and drop off his sons at school.

Elton John Shows off His Sons
John and his husband usually keep their sons out of social media, but the “Rocket Man” singer shаrеd a rare photo of Furnish, their sons, and their godmother, Lady Gaga. The singer expressed how he was sad to have missed out on the moment to pose with them but still sent his love.

Comment on Elton John's page | Source: Instagram/eltonjohn

Fans in the comment section were sh.ocked at how much Zachary and Elijah had grown. “My goodness, the boys are getting tall. Such Handsome little gentlemen.” said a commenter. “Look at these gorgeous boys and their pappa and Godma!” added another fan.

John wrote a heartwarming letter to his sons, expressing how much they have changed his life. “Zachary and Elijah, you two are the greatest gifts I have ever been given. You have filled my heart with love and my life with purpose and meaning in ways I didn’t think were possible,” wrote the singer.

John and Furnish are happy with the beautiful family they have built. One thing they do not want their children to forget as they grow is the love and support they will always receive from their parents.F

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