My fаthеr-in-lаw giftеd mе а рillоw – I wаs shосkеd whеn I lеаrnеd his truе рurроsе – Page 3 – Kennzo World

My fаthеr-in-lаw giftеd mе а рillоw – I wаs shосkеd whеn I lеаrnеd his truе рurроsе

A Plan to Uncover the Truth

Determined to get to the bottom of this, James and I decided to confront his father. We couldn’t let this invasion of privacy go unanswered. We invited him over for dinner, planning to catch him off guard and force a confession.

When he arrived, his demeanor was as warm as ever, but I couldn’t shake the feeling of unease. We made small talk over dinner, but the tension was palpable. Finally, James couldn’t take it anymore.

“Dad, we need to talk,” he said, his voice firm. “Why did you give us that pillow?”

His father’s face remained impassive. “It was a gift. I thought you’d likе it.”

James leaned forward, his eyes boring into his father’s. “We know it’s bugged. Why are you spying on us?”

The Shocking Revelation

For a moment, his father seemed taken aback, but then a sly smile crept across his face. “I see you’ve figured it out. Yes, it’s bugged, but it’s not what you think.”

He leaned back in his chair, his gaze unwavering. “I’m being blackmailed. Someone from my past is thrеаtening to expose everything unless I provide them with information. I didn’t want to involve you, but I had no choice. They wanted to know about you, James.”

My heart sank. The situation was far more complicated than we had imagined. James’s father wasn’t just spying on us for his own gain; he was being manipulated. We had to find a way to help him and protect ourselves.

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