My DIL shаmеd mе fоr wеаring mаkеuр аt 70. I wаs sо hurt I dесidеd tо dо sоmеthing аbоut it – Kennzo World

My DIL shаmеd mе fоr wеаring mаkеuр аt 70. I wаs sо hurt I dесidеd tо dо sоmеthing аbоut it

The scent of evening roses drifted through the open window, mixing with the familiar aroma of face powder and foundation. Lisa gazed into the mirror, her practiced hands deftly applying the makeup that had become as much a part of her identity as her silver hair and gentle smile. Each stroke was a reminder of her independence, a testament to the woman who, despite the years, still valued her appearance.

But yesterday’s family dinner was a different story. As she added the finishing touches to her look, her daughter-in-law, Jenna, entered the room. Jenna’s eyes narrowed as she watched Lisa. With a sneer, she said, “Oh, you look pathetic trying to cover up your wrinkles. At your age, you should stop pretending to be something you’re not.”

Lisa’s heart sank. She had always prided herself on maintaining her appearance, on the confidence that makeup gave her. Her husband, who had раssеd аwау years ago, had loved her for it. Now, her son was her rock, her support, but Jenna’s words cut deep, leaving a sting that makeup couldn’t cover.

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