Wеird stuff: Саitlyn Jеnnеr hаrshly сritiсizеs thе IОС fоr inсluding Khеlif in thе fеmаlе саtеgоry. – Page 4 – Kennzo World

Wеird stuff: Саitlyn Jеnnеr hаrshly сritiсizеs thе IОС fоr inсluding Khеlif in thе fеmаlе саtеgоry.

IOC Supports Athletes Amid Backlash

Despite the backlash, IOC President Thomas Bach maintains that Khelif and Yu-Ting were born and raised as women and have competed as women for many years.

“We have two boxers who were born as women, who were raised as women, who have women’s passports, and who have competed for many years as women,” Bach stated.

Bach strongly condemned the hostile rhetoric surrounding the issue, declaring, “What we see now is that some want to take ownership of the definition of who is a woman. All this hate speech, aggression, and abuse… is completely unacceptable.”

The debate continues, as Australian boxer Skye Nicholson, who has competed against both Khelif and Yu-Ting, defended their participation, calling Carini’s actions a “publicity stunt.”

Nicholson stated, “They were born women. They were born with an XY chromosome, which is the male chromosome, but they were born with female bodies, they have the physical attributes of a woman.”

While the IOC and supporters of Khelif and Yu-Ting defend their rightful inclusion, critics likе Jenner argue that the decision undermines the integrity and safety of women’s sports.

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