Sоn Whо Didn’t Visit Нis Mоthеr fоr Yеаrs Соmеs аnd Sееs Неr Ноusе Dеstrоyеd – Stоry оf thе Dаy – Page 4 – Kennzo World

Sоn Whо Didn’t Visit Нis Mоthеr fоr Yеаrs Соmеs аnd Sееs Неr Ноusе Dеstrоyеd – Stоry оf thе Dаy

What can we learn from this story? We should always make time for our loved ones. No matter how busy life gets, we should always take time to check on our loved ones no matter how far away they may be. A mother’s love is forever. Although she felt sad and аbаndоned, Diana never lost her love for Adam. Instead, she remained hopeful that one day they would reunite and see each other again.

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