“Не wаs thе fаttеst mаn in thе wоrld, wеighing mоrе thаn 500 kg”: Whаt dоеs hе lооk likе thrее yеаrs lаtеr? – Kennzo World

“Не wаs thе fаttеst mаn in thе wоrld, wеighing mоrе thаn 500 kg”: Whаt dоеs hе lооk likе thrее yеаrs lаtеr?

This Mexican gained worldwide fame due to his unusual weight, listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the heaviest weight on the planet.

Juan has struggled with weight problems since childhood, steadily packing on the pounds every year. By the age of 17, he weighed about 200 kg, and after a tragic car accident he was seriously injured, was bedridden and gained even more weight.


Finding himself isolated and struggling with deep depression, Juan turned to food for comfort, which made his condition worse. His story captured the world’s attention via the internet, causing his weight to reach a staggering 550kg.

Being so severely obese took a toll on his health, leading to diabetes and heart problems. A team of doctors was assembled to intervene and sаvе his life. The treatment path was difficult and long.

Initially, a controlled diet helped me lose 380 kilograms. Subsequent gastric reduction surgery, combined with ongoing dietary changes, resulted in a loss of more than half of her weight.

Juan is committed to living an active lifestyle and is committed to full recovery, inspiring others that even the most difficult challenges can be overcome.


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