My MIL Тhоught I Wаs Nоt Веаutiful Еnоugh fоr Неr Sоn, Sо I Еntеrеd а Веаuty Соntеst tо Win thе Сrоwn — Stоry оf thе Dаy – Page 3 – Kennzo World

My MIL Тhоught I Wаs Nоt Веаutiful Еnоugh fоr Неr Sоn, Sо I Еntеrеd а Веаuty Соntеst tо Win thе Сrоwn — Stоry оf thе Dаy

I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off, but I had no time to dwell on it.I hung the garment bag with my dress in the wardrobe and decided to get some rest. As I lay in bed, thoughts of the contest swirled in my mind. I wanted to prove to myself that I could do it.The day of the contest arrived, and everything was going well. The air buzzed with excitement as contestants performed their talents, singing, dancing, and displaying their unique skiIIs. When my turn came, I presented my clothing collection, each piece crafted with care and dedication. I took a moment to steady my nerves and began to speak.”Good evening, everyone. My name is Grace, and I have a deep love for designing and sewing clothes. Tonight, I want to shаrе with you a collection that is very close to my heart.” I gestured to the models wearing my designs as they walked across the stage. Each outfit was unique, showcasing my skiIIs and creativity. The audience watched intently, their eyes following every detail.”I have always believed that fashion should be accessible to everyone, regardless of their circumstances,” I continued. “That’s why my dream is to use my talent to help those in need. I want to create beautiful, affordable clothing for families who cannot afford high-end fashion. These clothes you’re seeing tonight are part of that vision.”The audience began to murmur, clearly moved by my words. I pressed on. “Every piece in this collection will be donated to families who need them the most. It’s my way of giving back to the community and making a difference, one stitch at a time. Fashion is not just about looking good; it’s about knowing that someone cares.” As I finished speaking, the models lined up for a final walk. The audience stood up, clapping and cheering, and my heart swelled with pride and joy.David and Gertrude came to congratulate me. David handed me a beautiful bouquet of pink peonies. “You were amazing, Grace,” he said, giving me a warm hug. “Thanks, David.”Gertrude, however, leaned in and whispered in my ear: “Don’t celebrate too soon. This contest isn’t meant for someone likе you.” Her words stung, but I forced a smile and thanked them both. Backstage, the emotions of the day caught up with me. But I couldn’t let Gertrude’s words break me. I pulled myself together.Suddenly, the organizer ran up to me, looking frantic. “Grace, we have a problem. That’s about your dress.” “What do you mean?” “You need to see it for yourself,” she said, leading me to the dressing area. I opened the garment bag. My breath caught in my throat when I realized it was Katie’s dress that had been spoiled. The fabric was torn, and the seams were ripped apart.Katie, who had been standing nearby, burst into tears. “What am I going to do now? This contest is so important for my future.” Everyone suspected Chloe, who had boasted about doing anything to win, but I had a different suspicion. I took a deep breath and put my arm around Katie. “It’s going to be okay. We’ll figure something out.” “But how?” Katie sobbed.I thought for a moment, then made a decision. “Katie, you take my dress for the final runway.”Katie looked at me, sh.ocked. “But what about you? What will you wear?” “You need this more than I do. I can wear something else.” “Grace, I can’t believe you would do this for me. Thank you so much.” I smiled and handed her the dress. “Go get ready. You deserve to shine.”As Katie hurried off to prepare, I found a simple dress I had made earlier. It wasn’t as glamorous as the one I had planned to wear, but it would do. I changed quickly and took a moment to steady myself. Back on stage, all the contestants appeared in stunning gowns. Katie wore my dress and looked absolutely radiant.The audience murmured, noticing the contrast between my simple dress and the glamorous outfits around me. But I held my head high, knowing I had made the right choice.When it was my turn to speak about my future plans, I stated that I intended to be an ordinary woman who supported others, not chasing fame. Once again, the audience gave me a standing ovation. I caught a glimpse of Gertrude’s face, her eyes narrowing with frustration. It was obvious that she had orchestrated all that.Chloe wouldn’t have had the cunning to pull off something so intricate—it was clear now who was behind it all. The moment of truth was approaching, and soon I would finally be able to dictate my own rules in this game with my mother-in-law. *** The judges declared Katie the winner, and I received the People’s Choice award. As I stood on the stage, holding my trophy. The audience cheered and applauded.After the contest, David found me backstage. His eyes were shining with pride and love. “Grace, you were incredible. You don’t need beauty contests to prove your worth.

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