My Fiаnсé Нumiliаtеd Mе in Нis Wеdding Vоws — Не Rеgrеttеd It Lаtеr – Page 5 – Kennzo World

My Fiаnсé Нumiliаtеd Mе in Нis Wеdding Vоws — Не Rеgrеttеd It Lаtеr

I wanted to rip off my wedding dress and get into my comfiest pair of sweatpants. I wanted to cry.
“Jason, do you know what makes a marriage work, son?” Robert asked.

“Uh, love? Attraction? Chemistry?” Jason said, faltering.

Who on earth is this man? I wondered to myself.

“It’s respect,” Robert said, shaking his head. “It’s about cherishing your partner and never making them feel small or embarrassed. Today, you turned your vows into a series of jokes at Emily’s expense. That was not only inappropriate but also deeply hurtful.”

A groom looking upset | Source: Midjourney

I glanced around and saw some of the guests were shaking their heads.

“To teach you a lesson, Jason,” Robert continued. “I’m going to shаrе something about you that you might find equally embarrassing.”

“What? Dad! Stop!” Jason said, standing up.

“Jason still sleeps with a nightlight. He says that it’s because he likеs to read in bed, but we all know that it’s because he’s afraid of the dark.”

Laughter erupted through the room.

“And let’s not forget about the time when Jason tried to cook for Emily and set off the fire alarm because he didn’t know that normal people don’t put metal in microwaves.”

“Dad, just stop it,” Jason hissed.

“Or about the time when he got drunk after a party, and insisted that he needed to sleep on the floor in my bedroom.”

A crowd laughing | Source: Midjourney

“I shаrеd these stories not to embarrass you, Jason. But to show you how it feels. Humor at someone else’s expense isn’t funny, it’s cruel. You need to understand the consequences of your actions.”

I smiled at Robert, finally feeling seen.

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