My Нusbаnd Rеfusеd tо Таkе Рhоtоs оf Mе оn Оur Vасаtiоn — Нis Rеаsоn Shосkеd Mе, but My Rеvеngе Lеft Нim in Теаrs – Page 2 – Kennzo World

My Нusbаnd Rеfusеd tо Таkе Рhоtоs оf Mе оn Оur Vасаtiоn — Нis Rеаsоn Shосkеd Mе, but My Rеvеngе Lеft Нim in Теаrs

Envision the following: we are in Mexico, surrounded by breathtaking beaches and exquisite weather. This excursion had me giddy with anticipation. Admittedly, I had meticulously prepared everything since, well, I rarely get a break as a mom.

Our goal for this time together was to rekindle our relationship, unwind, and simply enjoy each other’s company. But Luke was acting strangely from the beginning. He would always say no when I asked him to take a picture with me or of me.

A white couple on a vacation in Mexico | Source: Midjourney

A white couple visiting Mexico for a holiday | Source: Midjourney

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