With hеаvy hеаrts, wе аnnоunсе thе раssing – Page 2 – Kennzo World

With hеаvy hеаrts, wе аnnоunсе thе раssing

While Doug agreed that the outlook wasn’t good when Hallie relapsed after her bone marrow transplant, he said, “We held out hope for remission because of how brave, strong, and resilient she had been during her nine-month battle with acute myeloid leukemia and all of its complications.” This is why the whole family spent extra time at the hospital last week.

The American Cancer Society says that acute myeloid leukemia begins in the bone marrow and quickly spreads to the blood. When that happens, it can move to the lymph nodes, liver, spleen, and brain.

Doug told the Boston Herald that since his daughter was diagnosed last year, he has spent almost half of his nights at Boston’s Children Hospital.

“At home, my wife and I have taken turns taking care of Hallie and our 5-year-old daughter Olivia,” he said.

Meanwhile, Doug’s wife Jen said that losing her daughter made her feel likе she had a hole in her heart.

Jen Kyed talked about how her heart hurt so much and how there is a huge hole in it. “I’ll never get why or how something so terrible could happen.”

Hallie, please rest in peace.

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