Jimmy Kimmеl’s сutе kids аrе stunnеd by Оliviа Rоdrigо’s саrрооl kаrаоkе реrfоrmаnсе оn thе wаy tо sсhооl.
Olivia Rodrigo stole the show from Jimmy Kimmel as a hitchhiker who hopped into the car with the Kimmel family on their way to school.
Jane Kimmel was taken aback when Rodrigo herself showed up to perform some carpool karaoke; she and Billy, Kimmel’s children, ages nine and six, love listening to Rodrigo’s music on the way to school.
Jane knew the pop artist from an instant glance, and she raised her hands to her face and mumbled “oh my God” as Kimmel and his wife pulled over to collect Rodrigo. After that, the vivacious Rodrigo leaped into the backseat, sandwiched between Billy and Jane. Jane, who was obviously star-struck, could do little more than stammer and raise her hands to her face when the pop artist charmingly tried to strike up a conversation with her. We decided to do some carpool karaoke after Jane was better.
Kimmel informed Rodrigo that her songs are always played on the way to school by her family. After warmly thanking Kimmel, the singer turned to Jane and politely inquired her favorite song. Jane proceeded to call “Ballad of a Homeschooled Girl,” a bonus track from Rodrigo’s Guts album from 2023, by name. Rodrigo remarked, “That’s one of my favorites too – that’s so sweet.”